Stop Robinson Power is dedicated to protecting the health, quality of life, property values, and natural resources of Southwest Pennsylvania from construction of a proposed large-scale natural gas power plant by Robinson Power Company LLC (Robinson Power).
In 2005, Residents Against the Power Plant organized to oppose Robinson Power’s proposed power plant fueled by waste coal. Ultimately, Robinson Power failed to construct the plant. Robinson Power is now proposing a plant fueled by natural gas. Residents Against the Power Plant opposes Robinson Power’s latest proposal and is organizing other local, state, and national organizations to join them in its Stop Robinson Power campaign.
Southwest Pennsylvania residents suffer from some of the worst air quality in the United States. The Pittsburgh region has consistently failed to attain several federal health-based standards for air pollution. Robinson Power Company LLC wants to build the Beech Hollow Energy facility over the Allegheny County line in Robinson Township, northern Washington County PA.
Robinson Power’s proposed Beech Hollow power plant would be a major source of air pollution for particulate matter, nitrogen oxides (smog-forming pollutants), carbon monoxide, ammonia, and greenhouse gases. The air pollutants expected to be emitted from this facility are known to be harmful to human health.
The power plant would use both gas and steam to produce more electricity than a traditional power plant. After burning the natural gas, waste heat from the burned gas is recirculated to steam turbines, which generates extra electricity. Extra electricity and increased efficiency may sound like good things, but the burning of natural gas also produces tons or harmful air pollution each year that could potentially cause negative impacts on the health, quality of life and property values of nearby residents. The energy generated from the power plant would not supply electricity directly to the community. the electricity would go directly into the PJM grid, a company that transports it in the electricity wholesale market for 13 states and Washington D.C.